Reducing risks

Smart cameras and AI ensure 100% objective quality control

Increase delivery performance

Products of insufficient quality are taken out

Real-time insight

Clear reports for insight into performance per employee and supplier 

Saving costs

Saves at least 1 FTE in labour costs in many cases

GearStation 5 kilo box Inspection

The GearStation 5 kilo box provides 100% in-line quality inspection on man and machine delivered products. This adds an objective quality measurement to labor registration and directly saves labor at the weighing machine. The 30×40 and 60×40 cm boxes with, for example, vine tomatoes are being inspected before transportation to the sorting line. If the products already have the correct weight and quality, they can be sent directly to the palletizer, which saves labor at the sorting lines.

By linking the labor registration system to the GearStation, the harvest quality can be further improved through targeted instruction of the individual. At the same time, we collect crop information on time per greenhouse, crop and season. This can all be monitored in the user-friendly dashboards.

The advantages of the GearStation

  • Labor savings through direct palletizing
  • Consistent and objective assessment
  • Reduction of claims
  • Comprehensive harvest and quality reports
  • Integration into existing processing lines

Application of the GearStation 5 kilo box

  • Vine tomato processing line
  • For a palletizer

Other features of the GearStation


All Features

Punnet or bowl

e.g. grapes in a punnet


e.g. vegetables in a crate or inspection of the cask


Gearbox is the high tech, data-driven software company for the Agri, Food & Flower sector. The GearCore, our modular software platform powered by Vision, AI and Motion software, enables our customers to enhance or accelerate their daily work. Work Smart Every Day! Feel free to contact us for more information.

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