Mitigate risks

Smart cameras and AI software ensure 100% objective quality control

Safeguard quality

Ensure continuity and control of your deliveries with digital QC knowledge

Real-time insight

Clear reports for insight into performance per employee and supplier

Saving costs

Saves at least 1 FTE in labor costs

GearStation Crate Inspection

This digital crate inspector accurately and consistently inspects the quality of multi-use crates for residual organic material, stickers, damage etc. 24/7.

The advantages of the GearStation

  • Reliable insight into the quality of incoming reusable crates
  • Ejecting dirty crates helps you build a cleaner crate stock
  • Reduces the risk of a virus spreading
  • Minimizes broken crates prevents damage to product
  • Reduces labor costs/less breakdowns later in the process

Application of the GearStation Crate Inspection

  • Upon arrival of reusable crates
  • After a crate washer
  • Before the sorting machine


All features


e.g. tomatoes in a 5-kilo box

Punnet or bowl

e.g. grapes in a punnet